Edition: September 2017 / magazine 001

Riki Hotwheels from Australia.A proffesional model.
Hilsia from the Dominican Republic lost her leg thanks to a medical error.
Camille is a famous amputee in Brazil and won different swimming contests in the Paralympics.
Edilson is a hard working amputee, and proud to be a father of 5 children.
First Edition: September 2017 / magazine 001Next edition: December 2017 There are 4 editions each year. The Magazine exist in printed version but also online in digital version. Advertising, Information and  Subscriptions; Visit us at:www.disabledplanet.comSUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE PRINTED VERSION: $ 29.90 FOR 1 YEAR / 4 EDITIONS. $ 9.90 FOR 1 EDITION. All rights Reserved.Printed in Germany

Let me Welcome you all at the first edition of this brand new DisabledPlanet Magazine.  This is the first edition. Our Magazine contains exclusive interviews with  Amazing people who have a disability, great and interesting stories, news, information and much more.  It was a lot of interesting work, to put this first edition together.  Even when we had it all ready, still some interesting new interviews came in, but they will be for the next edition. In this first edition, we bring you new models, new interviews and stories, but also we introduce you all models who worked already for DisabledPlanet in the past.   
Remember Jorge Velasquez, amputee and famous dancer.
Bruna needed a new prosthetic, but even with 80.000 views on Youtube, no one helped.
Exclusive interview with Vinod Thakur from India, an actor and an artist.
Taina lost her leg in a shooting in the favela of Pavuna, Rio de Janeiro. The same day she lost her little brother.

Riki HotwheelsStory Written by:Riki Leach
I’m 35 years old, I live in Queensland, Australia. When I was born, I was able bodied. One cold Winter’s night at age nine, I suffered a severe Asthma attack. Asthma is a condition which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. This Asthma attack stopped my heart for over three minutes, declaring me dead. My brain was damaged from the severity of it, the brain injury left me with a physical disability. At age 35 from this one event in my life I am now a wheelchair user, I can walk very short distances sometime but always with assistance. My mobility has been up and down over the years, with extensive physio in my teens I had to ability to walk unaided. I no longer have this but I am happy with who I am and what I can do. I have Parkinsons symptoms from the brain injury, Parkinson’s is a disease which stems from the brain, it affects movement and causes tremors. I have to take a medication to assist the Dopamine in the brain. I am on over twenty tablets a day to help with body spasms, move -


ment and pain. Over the years I have developed chronic pain from Scoliosis in my spine, a tear in my L5/S1, spasms and migraines. So yeah, it a nutshell I “rattle and roll”. My disability and life experiences have shaped who I am, they have made me such a strong, empathetic and determined woman. I would not change who I am, if I had a miracle and could walk again… that’d be super but I would not go back in time and try to change that night. I have accepted my lifestyle, I am a happy, positive person who sees my disability as a part of me. My family… I’m pretty sure my parents are proud of how far I have come. It’s been an extremely long hard road for all those around me. I have a fabulous relationship with both my Mum and my Dad, their support has been tremendous to me. I don’t have any biological siblings, I do have my soul sister, Kathy. Kathy runs a support care company in our city assisting those who are in need of aid. I’m exceptionally blessed to say I have found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with too. His encouragement, care and love has lifted me up so much. We have our two gorgeous little dogs, no children just furbabies. Thank you to my family, I love you. I have a beautiful group of friends in my life, some who knew me before my disability others who came in later on. These friends have accepted me for me.
I have been modelling in Brisbane since 2007, I have always been a poser and fascinated with photography. I was one of those kids carrying a disposable camera everywhere until we had digital ones come out. Modelling has always been a passion to me, when I have the opportunity now I do a shoot. Along the way with my modelling I have mastered the art of photoshop becoming an award winning photoshop. I love to be creative with pictures. I do my own makeup for photoshoots and a majority of the editing. I must give credit to the photographers I work with, they have taught me so many skills. The name Hotwheels came about in 2007 from a friend, meaning I was a “hot chick in a chair”. That comment really turned the way I thought about myself around and was what gave me that push to try modelling in my city. Since 2007 I have over 2500 awards for photos I have edited and been in. The biggest achievement was with Brennan Finighan “the Trienberg Award” we came third in the Worlds largest photo competition with our levitation shot. I am also published writer, magazine articles, poetry books, music reviews and short stories.   At the moment I am almost half way through my diploma in Counselling. My goal is to one day to be a Psychologist. I want to help those in need of guidance. We all get lost, caught up in our lives and need someone to talk to. I have always been good with people, I can be out somewhere and have total strangers 

approach me and start telling me there life story.  People I have met since my disability, wow okay got a pen. The biggest name that comes to mind is Alice Cooper. I have been a fan of his since I was 5 years old. In 2015 I got meet and greet tickets at his concert. I had the opportunity to get autographs, speak with him, give him a card and a hug. Such an incredible experience, I had his autograph tattooed to my left leg the day after his show. If I could advice to people struggling to deal with their disability, the sooner you can accept you for you the happier life is. It took me years to come to terms with my lack of mobility. I was such an active child before it. With the right people around you and inside strength one can accept and adapt. I learnt to adapt to doing things differently before I fully accepted what was. I have come a long way from waking up in the hospital surrounded by breathing machines, drips, doctors and nurses. My life changed from the Asthma attack but my outlook is this Ï am just me. I carry a smile wherever I go to let those around me know that I am happy, and to try to inspire them. If you would like to know more about me I have a Facebook fan page. 

Interview with Hilsia38 yo amputee from the Dominican Republic
How and when you became an amputee?
At the age of 11, a bad medical practice happe-ned, the nurse on duty did not dilute the medication, put it pure and when the liquid entered in my artery (which should have been in a vein) it burned the leg, this is The country in its enti-rety, there are not many cardiovascular patients in the country only 1 and that was in another province, when this achievement reach-ed the hospital where I was 72 hours after the application so after se-veral studies they came to the conclusion that they had to amputate my leg because it showed signs of gan-grene.
Are you married?
I am married, but I don't have children.What things do you miss now, things that you could and did before?To be true, not that much, I was young when they amputaded
Hilsia became an amputee at the age of 11, after a bad medical practice happened.
my leg, but I remember that I loved to run. I think that's strange.  
How your family reacted?
I remember that day, I think sadly, my parents, uncles, brothers, cou-sins, they all felt sad, they have always given me their full support.

How do people think about people with a disability in the Dominican Republic?For here people still look at people with some kind of decadence, some people do not accept us. There is also nothing in the Dominican Republic for people with a disability.Was it difficult for you to learn walking on a prosthetic life?Which I remember... no, when I was a girl when they put my first prosthetic, the desire to learn to ride a bicycle.  A game with my sisters in a more individual way helped me to handle it quickly and dexterously.
Why you want to become a model?Because I have always liked to be in front of the camera lens hahaha and I think it would serve as a motivation for other girls who still do not accept their disability.What are your hobbies and your occupations?I read, sing, travel. I'm a graduate language teacher, but right now I'm not exercising because I don't find work ...

What’s your name? My name is ArlindaWhere do you live? I live in Pernambuco, Brazil
Can you explain why you are in a wheelchair?
I suffered a car accident 5 years ago coming back from the gym center with my son. I had a injury in my t12 spine what made of me paraplegic, lost movement and the sensibility of the low extremity members but, I recovered the sensibility but not the movement, that’s why I’m in a wheelchair.
How was your reaction after the accident?
After the accident was necessary a rehab. Was very difficult, everything change completely. It’s like it is another life. It’s necessary have will force or you can’t live
How did you accepted yourself nowadays?
I have a normal life but, in a wheelchair. I suffered, cried, smiled, but I'm alive.
How was the reaction of the people around you?
In the beginning everything is strange, all the friends come to visit you, you have always people around you but, afterwards those people go away and became distant. But in other hand it these world of us wheelchair people we met wonderful persons. I lost a few friends but won the double. I don’t have why to complain, I’m happy this way.
Why would you be interested in being a wheelchair user model? Can you tell us why?
Yes, I find that beautiful. Since child I had a dream to became a model but, the time goes over and then I left that dream, when I suffered the accident so I woke up that I could become a model in a wheelchair. That will be cool !

What things you would like to do? Right now I just think that I want to be a star lol…
What’s the diference - how difficult is your life now?
Is everything diferent in the begining, it is like a child learning how to adapt itself in everything but, afterwards you can take a normal life.
How did you discovered and what do you think about devotees?
When someone is a devotee it’s not a choice, was born already like that, mostly don’t come up for that cause don’t have opportunities or for suffer prejudice by others.
Will you be in a relationship with a devotee?
Yes. Why, not?? lol...
Is there enough in Brazil for people with disability? (ramps, possibilities...)
No. It’s sad that we have not enough accessibility for disabled people in Brazil, we still suffering a lot of prejudice and not enough space labor market.

Camille RodriguesShe become a model for Disabledplanet at the age of 19 (now 25 yo). Her boyfriend had send us some pictures for our website and Camille had send us an exclusive movie introduction.  Camille is Brazilian and loves sport.  Here we have an exclusive interview with her. 
From where are you?Santo Antonio de Padua, Brazil What is your disability?Amputation of right leg How did you become an amputee?Born with congenital malformation
Was it easy to accept your amputation?
It was very easy to accept, because I was an amputee since the beginning, I learned to live without my leg.Why are you interested in being a model? Because I love taking pictures and I think I am little photogenic.What things do you want to do in life? Tell us about your dreams ... I want to be happy, realizing my dreams with perfection, I have work and I give optimal quality of life for my children, If God wants it, I will have 1!

What is the difference for you between then, and now having a disability? I never saw a difference because as I said, I had the amputation done when I was three years, so I don't remember much of it. I don't feel any difference.We hear a lot, that in some countries some people think, that someone with a disability can't do anything. What about your country? My parents still do, and they still think that people with a disability are helpless, but gradually we are ensuring our space and respect and I confess that it improved already a lot!How do people in your country think about people with disabilities? That we are just poor things that don't know how to do 'NORMAL' things, but we are capable of doing many things, even better then them!Is there enough in your country for people with disabilities? Very little, only big cities has specialized ramps and signs but still very little, the accessibility here is very bad.

You agree that disabled people can be beautiful? What do you think about it? I think we can not only be beautiful, as I'm sure my thinking and very positive about it, all women can be beautiful, with or without a disability, and some have more charm then others.Tell us more about you. Your likes and dislikes. Well I'm a Paralympics athlete, I love my work, I love walking, having fun with friends, like to be vain,
My hobbies are internet, and hanging out with friends and family.

Who are you and from where are you? I am Yafreisi Turbi, from Haina, Dominican RepublicHow long you are an amputee? Since birth I am an amputee,
How did you become an amputee?
I was born with only one arm
Why you decided to become an exclusive model for Disabledplanet?
Always in my life I dreamed about being a model, and also when I saw amputee model pictures, I was so excited about being a model for Disabledplanet. I did not know the reality, that there are models who are amputees, just like me.What is your favorite food? My favorite food is ... 'Dompling' pigeon peas with coconut Moro, with beef, all types of Dominican food.Do you like to travel? Yes, a lot ... I want to go to Brazil and to Puerto Rico ....What do you think about people who are attracted to amputees? In my view we are all human beings and that a person that is not amputated, still can love another person with a disability and is attracted to her, and that we are sexy and nice for them, is good. We have all the same rights.

You can easily use a prosthesis?
Yes, but I do not like it, because I do not feel comfortable, I adapt to my disability and agree to that status.
How do you feel about being an amputee?
At first I felt bad and self-conscious, but now I am calm about my situation and my family and friends accept me as I am
How did your family reacted discovering that you are an amputee?
My dad said' that's my daughter and she'll stay'. And the doctor told my mother to take me abroad, but she would not, and I have always been protected.
Are there many opportunities in the Dominican Republic for amputees?
No, I applied for a job and have never given my situation, a single family home accident, that is not always... people with disabilities, that find work, is an odyssey.
What was the reaction of your husband?
He met me as an amputee, his interest in me was my body, not my disability.
What was your reaction when you had awareness of your disability?
Do not accept yourself as it was, but then I was just creating awareness of my situation.

Recently Yafreisi informed us, that she is pregnant again

a giant cell tumor, with the name
took my leg

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I am an amputee since May 19, 2010.  How did you became an amputee? From a giant cell tumor, sarcomaWhy did you decided to become an exclusive model for Disabledplanet? I decided to become a model when I saw the photos and some amputee movies, and your commentary.  I didn't know the reality that there exist amputee models and in view of your proposal and seeing the other models; so I thought I liked and I do it too. So I decided to become an exclusive model for Disabledplanet, and I like it.What is your favorite food? My favorite food is pizza and Mc Donald’s. Shrimps… ice cream, French fries,Do you like to travel? Wow I love traveling…want to go to Spain…want to know it.
How long are you an amputee?
SHIRLEY FROM VENEZUELAHow long are you an amputee? I am an amputee since May 19, 2010.  How did you became an amputee? From a giant cell tumor, sarcomaWhy did you decided to become an exclusive model for Disabledplanet? I decided to become a model when I saw the photos and some amputee movies, and your commentary.  I didn't know the reality that there exist amputee models and in view of your proposal and seeing the other models; so I thought I liked and I do it too. So I decided to become an exclusive model for Disabledplanet, and I like it.What is your favorite food? My favorite food is pizza and Mc Donald’s. Shrimps… ice cream, French fries,Do you like to travel? Wow I love traveling…want to go to Spain…want to know it.

What do you think about people who are attracted to amputees? This is not a judgment but everyone has their own taste, difference, decide for something that we like most , indeed, fact that made of us humans not the same… Have different ways of like something and want it, and if in case people I admire are less attractive what to do, at least are good to me.Can you walk easy on a prosthetic? In my case it is not easy to wear a prosthetic. My amputation above the knee makes wounds between my legs that are very difficult to cure, but anyway I need to learn use that.How do you feel about being an amputee?In the beginning it was very difficult for me to accept that, and I lived on pills to sleep, I just didn’t care anything about the world,  I wanted to  die, on the following days I realized that I only could count on the help of my mother and my children and that there were more things that happened in the world by the way being like that nothing stopped because of me, plants grow, people moved, and me here waiting for nothing., So I decided to stop and face the world all days and all nights, and I know it was wonderful, and here I am.

I didn’t wanted to be like that but God decided; so I learn to live like this and search for the most positive and see the beautiful of life… I want my children whatever being value of things anyway they are very special to me I love them more than anything… How did your family reacted when you became an amputee? My family and my children accepted my amputation first than me. Anyway the best decision was my amputation my life without a leg. I will have a life that suppose that was what all of them wanted that I lived…my daughter help me very much and is very close to e. Are there many possibilities in Venezuela for amputees? Well here this government says that there exist possibilities, but I didn’t found for any help and the years passed and nothing… Going on the buses is terrible, no one stops. In the matter of having a job there exist a law that says it’s obligatory and you go and leave your resume; so it goes for days, months and no one calls you, a lot of things, but this is a revolutionary country, I can tell you that. I live with my mum and she help me and give me things I need… I have some friends that helps me  too, my aunties, so that is how I live. What was the reaction of your husband? My husband, since he discovered my disease, he decided to leave me.  I think that I’m glad, I’m better like this without him and my children too, so it’s me and me that cares… What was your reaction when they told you that they needed to remove your leg? When the doctor told me that, I was in the surgery room and there was no option, but of course it was something that will goes over and I knew… I’m very humble and I wanted work and study…but never it is to late having a new life as an amputee. I have to live this way… 
I didn’t wanted to be like that but God decided; so I learn to live like this and search for the most positive and see the beautiful of life… I want my children whatever being value of things anyway they are very special to me I love them more than anything…How did your family reacted when you became an amputee? My family and my children accepted my amputation first than me. Anyway the best decision was my amputation my life without a leg. I will have a life that suppose that was what all of them wanted that I lived…my daughter help me very much and is very close to me.Are there many possibilities in Venezuela for amputees? Well here this government says that there exist possibilities, but I didn’t found for any help and the years passed and nothing… Going on the buses is terrible, no one stops. In the matter of having a job there exist a law that says it’s obligatory and you go and leave your resume; so it goes for days, months and no one calls you, a lot of things, but this is a revolutionary country, I can tell you that. I live with my mum and she help me and give me things I need… I have some friends that helps me  too, my aunties, so that is how I live.What was the reaction of your husband? My husband, since he discovered my disease, he decided to leave me.  I think that I’m glad, I’m better like this without him and my children too, so it’s me and me that cares…What was your reaction when they told you that they needed to remove your leg? When the doctor told me that, I was in the surgery room and there was no option, but of course it was something that will goes over and I knew… I’m very humble and I wanted work and study…but never it is to late having a new life as an amputee. I have to live this way… 


What is your name? My name is EdilsonFrom where are you? I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil
How did you become an amputee?
Lost my leg in an accident with motorcycle 12 years ago.
Can you tell us what was your reaction after the accident?
I was in the hospital for almost 3 months, I went depressive all the doctors did everything to save my leg but was not possible, I gave myself permission to amputate my leg. Suffered a lot because I was always a healthy guy that loved sports, play football, that time in the hospital I had dreams like I still had my leg.
Can you tell us how was your family's reaction?
Still very difficult to my family to accept my disability but I very well solved about my disability.
Was it easy to accept your amputation? How did you accept?
In the beginning was not easy to accept that I became an amputee in the time I was in the hospital but after the time of the hospital things went much easier to accept, even when my brother came over with my first prosthetic I put it and started to walk around normally and happy.


Arraial do Cabo With Edilson and his wife Nathalia (see picture below), we had the greatest fun, when we made this picture session on the amazing beautiful beach of Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro. Edilson and Nathalia have 5 children together and they live in Araruama, a very beautiful little city in the state of Rio de Janeiro.  Edilson received recently a new free prosthetic leg from the government, what for sure was needed after he have shown us his old totally broken fake leg. 
Praia Seca On the right side, you can see one of the many pictures we made from Edilson at the beautiful beaches of Praia Seca and Araruama.  Edilson is a very hard worker and his children come on the first place. He works with gardens of people and other garden oriented work.  Edilson is one of the 16 children that his mother gave birth to. Indeed, he has 15 brothers and sisters. 

What is your name and your day of birth? My name is José Antonio Pérez Alvarado, I am from March 24, 1998Where are you from, what city do you live in? I am from Leon Guanajuato Estado de México and currently live in León GuanajuatoYou are attracted to female amputees, can you tell us why, and when this feeling started? My interest in amputee woman started when I was 7 years old. It begane with a documentary that I had seen about amputees.Do you have any preference when it comes to amputees? I like leg amputees the most.Did you had already a relationship with an amputee? Yes but only Facebook.Are there many amputees in Mexico? yes, a lot.Who is the amputee of your dream? Who is in your eyes a perfection? My dream is to have a courtship or something serious with a woman who is a left or right leg amputee. I would take care and love her whole life.Do the people around you know about your special attraction to amputees? No, no one.What are your occupations and hobbies? I own a gym and my favorite hobby is composing music, romantic trap music.If people, especially amputee, woman want to reach you, where can they? Whatsapp +52 4774137519
is attracted to female leg amputees... 

Madu from Salvador
From where are you? I am from Salvador, Bahia, BrazilWhat is your disability? right above the knee amputee
How did you become an amputee?
In April 2005, I started to feel a lot of pain in my legs and had had a varicose ulcer. One day I went to work when I returned I felt strong pains in the legs, the rescue wanted to amputate my both legs. They immediately transferred me to the hospital, the doctor-there kept me hospitalized for a month, they informed me to take a rest for at least a year. But the pain came back so a surgery needed to be done to mark thrombosis and to put a bypass, the leg rejected and the bridge opened, I got an hospital infection and had more severe pain and fever. So finally they made ​​the amputation. I had varicose ulcer and thrombosis in both legs, but only one needed to be amputated
Can you tell us what was your reaction after the accident?
My reaction was to agree to amputation because it could face death due to infection that was pervasive, and I could no longer bear so much pain, I was isolated from other patients feared even death, infection was so severe that even the nurses were afraid to get up in the same room and I was filled with painkillers, it was very difficult.

Can you tell us how was your family's reaction?
They did not accept it easy, and everyone thought that these things only happen to anyone else, not to me. My youngest daughter was depressed, my second daughter, I needed to explain her, if they didn't amputate my leg, I could die.
Was it easy to accept your amputation? How did you accept?
I find it very hard, mainly because of lack accessibility to catch buses and cross streets the people look at disabled people as we heave a contagious disease, so, more along life hopping barriers in my day to day.Why are you interested in being a model? As a teenager I wrote to an agency to become a model, but they were not interested in me, because of my height. After the leg amputation, a friend encouraged me to be a model and I really liked the idea and accepted.What do you think about people who like amputees? These are people who have much love in our hearts and I admire them. They can see our beauty as they are. Sincere people who really like the universe of the disabled, feel love and landmarks and has no real prejudices, they are sometimes even more than people who are not. 

These people are very important in our lives through all of this brings much happiness and increases our self-esteem.
Tell us more about you. Likes and dislikes. Hobbies, ...
I love to read, get on the computer, love to cook, the beach. Like other things, that are good in this life.
With Madu, we had a great time. When we went to Salvador, to make movies and pictures from her, we booked a hotel, but at the moment we met Madu, she invited us to her house in Salvador, where we staid over for more then a week.
With Madu, we had a great time. When we went to Salvador, to make movies and pictures from her, we booked a hotel, but at the moment we met Madu, she invited us to her house in Salvador, where we staid over for more then a week.

With Madu, we had a great time. When we went to Salvador, to make movies and pictures from her, we booked a hotel, but at the moment we met Madu, she invited us to her house in Salvador, where we staid over for more then a week.

Jailton (you speak it as Ja-ilton), we met him begging for money on the entry of a shopping center, while we were shooting pictures of Madu.  We met him the day after again, to make more pictures of him.  That time he told us that he lost his leg, thanks to the use of crack.  A very nice guy, who lives in a shelter at Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.  Jailton loves to sing and play music, what he also did while he was on visit at our place, while we had a nice dinner with him. 

How old are you and from where? I am 24 years old and from India.How you became an amputee? When I was 9 years old, I got an energy shock from 11.000 volt, that made me an amputee, double below the knee and left above the elbow.What is your profession? I get training for the next Asian Paralympics cycling championship.Is India very wheelchair accessible? No, not at all.We could see that you also like to swim? Yes, I was 2 days in a swimming training camp, I like many sports.
When I was 9 years old 11.000 volt made me an amputee
Tinkesh Kaushik

FRIENDSHIP With Jorge, who lived in Atlanta, GA, USA, and who was a professional dancer and animated many people on different cruise ships, we had many years friendship.  Our friendship with Jorge even started from before he became an amputee.  Unfortunately, Jorge died in December 2012.
MEETING We had the great honnor to meet him during a visit that he brought to us, when we lived in Florida.  During this visite, where in he staid at our place for a few days, he allowed us to make a whole picture set on the pool, connected to our place.  When he left that time on a new cruise, he had left his car in front of our door. The funny part was that he had the key with him and had forgotten to close the roof from his car, that way we needed to cover it with a huge plastic.

Espirito SantoThe scream for a new legDuring our visit on the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, and the city of Guriri, where she lives, we made a full length documentary from her, that have been since then on Youtube, with the hope that some people would help her to give money for a new fake leg, but untill now and the more then 80.000 people who have seen her film; No anyone helped. It's really sad to discover that even with a real movie and the fact how she asks for real help, no one did. Finally afterwards, Bruna informed us that her father found after a long time the money to buy a new leg. 
BrunaBruna was our model in 2009, during our travels to Brazil.  She is born as an amputee with only 3 fingers on her left hand. Her foot was totally disformed, so that the amputation of her left leg below the knee needed to be done, to give her a better life and a new way to walk on a prosthetic. 


How old are you and from where? I am 29 years old and from Durban, South Africa. My date of birth is March 28, 1988.Since when are you in a wheelchair and what happened? I'm in a wheelchair since 2009. I broke my spine at home, by falling from the stairs. But the place where it happened, we left due to circumstances.What was your first reaction that you never would walk again? I cried and I was confused, I wanted answers.How you feel right now about your disability? I've come to terms with my disability.How was the reaction of your family when you became wheelchair bounded? They couldn't understand. It broke their heart.What disability you have? A spinal cord injury, Quadriplegic... C6 / 7, what means that I can't feel anything from the chest down.What you miss the most since you're in a wheelchair? Living outside and aerobics. Being able to go where I want to.Is South-Africa wheelchair accessible? It is, but some buildings are still restricted.We heard that you would like to become a model, why? To show that life doesn't stop after a tragedy that changed your life.What are your hobbies? My hobbies are painting and wheelchair sports, but never been exposed to any.
I became wheelchair bounded after a fall from the stairs
Noxolo  Mtshali


KENNETH We met Kenneth on the streets of Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA in October 2008. Kenneth lives on the streets and begs for money in front of shopping centers.  We spend a whole day with him and took him to Burger King, where we had a nice meal with him. Kenneth told us the sad story, that even the police who knows him ask him to stay away from the shopping centers, but how to beg then for some money?...

Raquel lives in a small village, just outside of Rio de Janeiro. When we met her for this interview, she played being an amputee, so that we were able to make some interesting pictures of her.Disabledplanet: Why you act as being an amputee?Raquel: I found out a while ago that we are called pretenders. People who want to act as they are an amputee. When I play being an amputee, then I got a lot of attention; People are looking at my direction and some even offer to help me.Disabledplanet: Don't you think it is weird to play being an amputee?Raquel: I know it's maybe not a common thing, but I know more people who do it, I'm not the only person on this world who do this. Disabledplanet: We know that there are people on this earth, who want to become an amputee for real, do you belong to them?Raquel: Oh no, for sure not! I thought about it many times, but I keep it with pretending, I never would go for the 'real thing'. My life would change too dramatic if I would do.
She said: "I play being an amputee"
We met her in Brazil
Raquel Ribeiro is 19 years old, and love to play being an amputee
Raquel Ribeiro
Even my mother knows that I like to play being an amputee, only my boyfriend wasn't happy with it, so I recently broke up with him


Ella FitgeraldFAMOUS PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITYThe Voice of Jazz, Ella Fitzgerald suffered from diabetes and had both of her legs amputated in 1993. The 75 year-old singing legend, confined to a wheelchair, stopped touring and recording, but she remained as strong and hopeful as her music.  “I just want to smell the air, listen to the birds and hear [my 12 year old granddaughter] Alice laugh,” she reportedly said during her final years.

Models & Magazine
DisabledPlanet is looking for New Models. Are you an amputee, or do you have a visible disability, and are you interested to become a model today? Then you are on the right place.Who can become a model? Everyone who is a little bit good looking, who is an amputee or wheelchair user, or has another visible disability. Age is basically not important, but you need to be at least 18 years old. Gender is not important, but the most of our clients have a preference for females. we are looking for models with a visible disability.Do you want to be in the next magazine? If you want to be in the next edition of this magazine and you have something interesting to tell, please take contact with us today. In both cases, visit our website:                   

What is your name and where are you from? Kelechi Vivian O.What is your Date of birth and in which year did you become an amputee? 19th March, 1990. I lost my leg in year 2002.How did you became an amputee? Through an unexpected landmine explosion.What was the reaction of your family when you became an amputee? They felt very bad but they have to accept the fact that they can't change it.The Nigerian government do they do much for amputees? Nigeria is not disability friendly.Is Nigeria accessible for amputees? So very little not much at all.What are your hobbies or things you like to do? Reading, Music and Cooking.What is your occupation? Student.What are the things you can't do anymore as an amputee? I can do all things, I am an unlimited edition amputee.What massage do you have for new amputees around the world? My advise to them is that they should stay focus, know that there are many beautiful things that life have for them. Disability is not Deniability.Are you married? Do you have Children? No to all.Why do you want to be a model for DisabledPlanet? I want to make a difference and tell the world that I can be the best.Was it hard or easy for you to accept your disability? It was very easy by God's grace and with the help of my family, I also knew that I can't change it so I accepted it.

Vinod Thakuran actor, an artist...
DisabledPlanet: What's your age and where do you live?Vinod: I am 27 years old and from IndiaDisabledPlanet: You are a famous star in India, tell us more about the television shows and movies you are in.Vinod: I was born without legs and I started to dance in 2010 , I did audition in 2010 in India's famous reality show INDIAS GOT TALENT SEASON 2. I got my first award in 2011 named -Super idol award. 2012 I performed in Taiwan tv reality show with the name star king. 2012 again I performed in Korea tv reality show super star. In 2013 I did performed in Indian reality show Nach Baliye 6, as a couple performance. In 2014 I did my debut movie - only one chance . I performed in more then 200 international shows.  Now I am doing the movie - fly without wings. On my story.DisabledPlanet: In what movie you plaid recently?Vinod: In the Indian movie 'bas Ek chance'
exclusive interview

DisabledPlanet: Are you married?Vinod: I was married, right now I am in a divorce and single. DisabledPlanet: How do people think about people with a disability in India?Vinod: Indian people are very carrying but Indian politics are not supporting disabled people. DisabledPlanet: Does India have a lot of things for people with a disability?Vinod: Indian people have lots of things for disabled people like - how 
do they work , who's girls will they marry and about the job they will do, etc...DisabledPlanet: How you mean?Vinod: It depends on the job and his ability Example: I have no legs but I can dance and many more.DisabledPlanet: What is your big dream?Vinod: I would love to be in Hollywood, in a movie.  
The website of Vinod can be found at:
In this movie, Vinod plays a street beggar

They shot my leg Taina is from Brazil and 23 years old. She's the mother of a very beautiful baby girl and lives in the dangerous Favela of Pavuna (Rio de Janeiro) Since 2013, Taina is an exclusive model for DisabledPlanet.  We met her that time in Nova America shopping center at Rio de Janeiro. When we asked her to become a model, Taina was so much interested, that we started to make the first photo shoot the day after, even at Nova America shopping Taina told us the sad story about the way she lost her leg. That day, there was a shooting going
on in the Favela. Police was shooting on some bandits and in that way Taina and her little brother got hit. Her little brother was killed in front of her, but Taina lost her leg during this shooting. 
Favela Rio de Janeiro


Veneranda Mateo
Greetings from the Philippines. I'm Veneranda Mateo and I'm 61 years old with 1 daughter and two sons, all adults and have 5 grandkids. Separated for 6 years now. I am a PWD Rights Activist and Advocate consultant for Universal Design on Accessible Tourism. Founding president of Valenzuela Persons with Disability Federation Inc. (VPDFInc) and Philippine International Network on Accessible Tourism Inc (PINATI). I was a survivor of Malignant Giant Cell tumor in my right femur. And needs to be amputated because doctor's can't save it when I met an accident inside a bus that caused my bones to break. Being a Person with Disability or PWD we have difficulties in our Mobility since our country is not yet prepared for Accessibility. It's the reason I'm working out Universal Design for Accessible Tourism. Transportation built in and out environment are not Accessible. We need to climb stairs up to 3rd level to ride on light rail train. Busses have stiff stairs. People are not sensitive to our needs. Unless people become aware of our needs we will have difficulties moving around. I was real estate agent before until I got hooked on PWD Rights Activities . I was hired as PWD programs s consultant for 3years too and now I'm Doing Amway Business as ABO. It's about consumer product distribution. I love TRAVELs, singing, and games online lol. I like to do extra ordinary things for PWD. I LOVE to go out with friends and watch movies. There's lots to do just like all abled people. I like meeting new friends . It's a way of learning their way of life and understanding their cultures and heritage.  There's so much waiting for us to discover and I'm a very positive person who loves to stay happy inspire of all odds in life.